Sunday, January 25, 2009

Patty's One-Liner of the Week

Ok, I know it's only it's probably early to have a "one-liner of the week", but this was just too good.

Went by Jake's tonight for the pool party with DJ Muhu and Pol had a towel on his shoulder that Ritch said he liked. Long story short, it led to a comment by Pol that went something like this:
"...for some things I don't need a towel, I so hate to make a mess..."

To which I couldn't help but reply:

"Why wipe off tomorrow what you can swallow tonight?"

Will this become a new feature? We'll see. I rarely have a gem like that. LOL I guess I have a "runner-up" while I'm at it. I also stopped by The Pavillion where my friend DJ Wesley spins every week. For some reason, I always turn up at or near the end of his show...and I realized this tonight which led to this "runner-up" to the one-liner of the week:

"Great times as always Wes. I always come at the end of your show...wait, let me rephrase that..."

Ok, off to bed. RL always gets in the way...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another weekend over...

Not much going on. Attempted to "venture" around SL tonight. Found a lot of empty/boring regions. Even went to a place called "Hottieville". Don't bother, pretty much a place for newbies. Which is fine. I'm not judging.

Spent a few minutes at Boot's Beach:

Then went and got a few pics of myself at the Blue Boy Club:

Used to love going there about a year or so ago. DJ Wes used to spin a couple of times a week, always a good time. Nothing goes on there now, but it's still there. Maybe it'll be revived one of these days. Of course, nothing will ever replace Jake's in my heart. ;)

Here is a silly pic from one of many fun nights at Jake's Club, this was Circus Night:

And that's my pal Rocky to my left.

Monday, January 12, 2009

First Blog

Hey there!

I'm Patryk Cleanslate. My friends call me Patty. I'm starting this blog, just for the hell of it. When I can, I like to spend time floating around SecondLife. Mostly, I just go and hangout with my friends.

I like to socialize, dance...basically just take it easy.
That's it. LOL...nothing profound to say today.