Sunday, January 25, 2009

Patty's One-Liner of the Week

Ok, I know it's only it's probably early to have a "one-liner of the week", but this was just too good.

Went by Jake's tonight for the pool party with DJ Muhu and Pol had a towel on his shoulder that Ritch said he liked. Long story short, it led to a comment by Pol that went something like this:
"...for some things I don't need a towel, I so hate to make a mess..."

To which I couldn't help but reply:

"Why wipe off tomorrow what you can swallow tonight?"

Will this become a new feature? We'll see. I rarely have a gem like that. LOL I guess I have a "runner-up" while I'm at it. I also stopped by The Pavillion where my friend DJ Wesley spins every week. For some reason, I always turn up at or near the end of his show...and I realized this tonight which led to this "runner-up" to the one-liner of the week:

"Great times as always Wes. I always come at the end of your show...wait, let me rephrase that..."

Ok, off to bed. RL always gets in the way...

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